Thursday, April 30, 2009

life is good in jeans

life is good in overcast weather. I am happy to be back home at school.
I am happy with my three other cameras. I have a minor dilemma now though: six cameras must all be named. but that's the sort of dilemma that makes me happy too!
I am happy to have found lula. I am happy to be only six dollars away! I am happy to find amazing photoshoots of emma watson in magazines.
I am happy that mum bought new handwash. I am happy that I have nearly finished reading the whole collection of a series of unfortunate events.
I am happy that I get nice comments on lookbook.
I am happy that I wrote today! I am happy that I posted it on livejournal, and plan to keep posting.
I am very happy to see sam tomorrow!
I am happy to have good days at school like today. I am happy to be takings photos every school day.
I am happy to be reading joe's old blog posts! I am happy to be laughing and smiling a lot.
I am happy to be writing songs again. I am happy that I wrote a song on guitar with lyrics and music!
I am happy that yssie has a blog now. very very happy.
I am happy that I haven't worn foundation for a week, and I am happy that I wore no make-up today!
I am happy that I didn't worry about what I was wearing today because I didn't feel like it mattered.
I am happy that people care. I am happy that I have a harry potter t-shirt. THANK YOU JOSEPH.
I am so happy someone should shoot me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that you're happy. =]

Heres some pretty french names for boys and girls or cameras.